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Simboli trovati: 9
BnB ID Simbolo / Ticker ISIN Nome Prima data Ultima data
LU0504482588 LU0504482588 LU0504482588 ACFISCH Bond EM Corporates Defensive Fund BE 31/05/2010 06/05/2024
LU0562928027 LU0562928027 LU0562928027 ACFISCH Bond EM Corporates Defensive Fund BE2 01/12/2010 06/05/2024
LU1416321831 LU1416321831 LU1416321831 ACFISCH Bond EM Corporates Opportunistic Fund BE 30/06/2016 06/05/2024
LU1075314754 LU1075314754 LU1075314754 ACFISCH Bond Global Corporates Fund BE 30/06/2014 06/05/2024
LU1083847274 LU1083847274 LU1083847274 ACFISCH Bond Global High Yield Fund BE 31/07/2014 06/05/2024
LU0162831936 LU0162831936 LU0162831936 ACFISCH CB Global Defensive Fund BE 28/02/2003 06/05/2024
LU0909491952 LU0909491952 LU0909491952 ACFISCH CB Global Defensive Fund BE2 02/04/2013 06/05/2024
LU0542658082 LU0542658082 LU0542658082 ACFISCH CB Global Opportunistic Fund BE 31/03/2011 06/05/2024
LU0605324192 LU0605324192 LU0605324192 ACFISCH CB Global Opportunistic Fund BE2 01/04/2011 06/05/2024