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BnB ID Simbolo / Ticker ISIN Nome Prima data Ultima data
XU030 XU030 XU030 BIST 30 Index 10/02/2011 18/02/2025
BCOM BCOM BCOM Bloomberg Commodity Index 02/01/1991 18/02/2025
BCOMF3T BCOMF3T BCOMF3T Bloomberg Commodity Index 3 Month Forward Total Return 02/01/1991 18/02/2025
BCOMOJ BCOMOJ BCOMOJ Bloomberg Orange Juice Subindex 31/12/1990 18/02/2025
BCOMSM BCOMSM BCOMSM Bloomberg Soybean Meal Subindex 31/12/1990 18/02/2025
BCOMCLCT BCOMCLCT BCOMCLCT Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Subindex Total Return Capped 17/03/2014 18/02/2025
PCRATEQ PCRATEQ PCRATEQ CBOE Equity Put/Call Ratio 24/02/2009 18/02/2025
GVZ GVZ GVZ CBOE Gold ETF Volatility Index 03/06/2008 10/04/2024
PCRATIND PCRATIND PCRATIND CBOE Index Put/Call Ratio 24/02/2009 18/02/2025
DJAIGCLTR DJAIGCLTR DJAIGCLTR Dow Jones Commodity Index Crude Oil TR 20/01/1999 18/02/2025
DJUBSTR DJUBSTR DJUBSTR Dow Jones Commodity Index TR 20/01/1999 18/02/2025
DJUSBT DJUSBT DJUSBT Dow Jones U.S. Biotechnology Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSFC DJUSFC DJUSFC Dow Jones U.S. Fixed Line Telecommunications Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSSB DJUSSB DJUSSB Dow Jones U.S. Investment Services Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAM DJUSAM DJUSAM Dow Jones U.S. Medical Equipment Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSMS DJUSMS DJUSMS Dow Jones U.S. Medical Supplies Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSPR DJUSPR DJUSPR Dow Jones U.S. Pharmaceuticals Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSWU DJUSWU DJUSWU Dow Jones U.S. Water Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAS DJUSAS DJUSAS Dow Jones US Aerospace Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSAR DJUSAR DJUSAR Dow Jones US Airlines Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAL DJUSAL DJUSAL Dow Jones US Aluminum Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSRA DJUSRA DJUSRA Dow Jones US Apparel Retailers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAG DJUSAG DJUSAG Dow Jones US Asset Managers Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSAT DJUSAT DJUSAT Dow Jones US Auto Parts Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAU DJUSAU DJUSAU Dow Jones US Automobiles Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSBK DJUSBK DJUSBK Dow Jones US Banks Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSDB DJUSDB DJUSDB Dow Jones US Brewers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSBC DJUSBC DJUSBC Dow Jones US Broadcasting & Entertainment Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSRB DJUSRB DJUSRB Dow Jones US Broadline Retailers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSBD DJUSBD DJUSBD Dow Jones US Building Materials & Fixtures Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSIV DJUSIV DJUSIV Dow Jones US Business Support Services Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSBE DJUSBE DJUSBE Dow Jones US Business Training & Employment Agencies Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSCF DJUSCF DJUSCF Dow Jones US Clothing & Accessories Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHR DJUSHR DJUSHR Dow Jones US Commercial Vehicles & Trucks Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCC DJUSCC DJUSCC Dow Jones US Commodity Chemicals Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCR DJUSCR DJUSCR Dow Jones US Computer Hardware Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSDV DJUSDV DJUSDV Dow Jones US Computer Services Index 31/12/2001 18/02/2025
DJUSSF DJUSSF DJUSSF Dow Jones US Consumer Finance Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSCP DJUSCP DJUSCP Dow Jones US Containers & Packaging Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSVE DJUSVE DJUSVE Dow Jones US Conventional Electricity Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSDN DJUSDN DJUSDN Dow Jones US Defense Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSAF DJUSAF DJUSAF Dow Jones US Delivery Services Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSVN DJUSVN DJUSVN Dow Jones US Distillers & Vintners Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSID DJUSID DJUSID Dow Jones US Diversified Industrials Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSDT DJUSDT DJUSDT Dow Jones US Diversified REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSRD DJUSRD DJUSRD Dow Jones US Drug Retailers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHD DJUSHD DJUSHD Dow Jones US Durable Household Products Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSEC DJUSEC DJUSEC Dow Jones US Electrical Components & Equipment Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAI DJUSAI DJUSAI Dow Jones US Electronic Equipment Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSOS DJUSOS DJUSOS Dow Jones US Exploration & Production Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSFA DJUSFA DJUSFA Dow Jones US Financial Administration Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSFP DJUSFP DJUSFP Dow Jones US Food Products Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSFD DJUSFD DJUSFD Dow Jones US Food Retailers & Wholesalers Index 23/03/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSFT DJUSFT DJUSFT Dow Jones US Footwear Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSIF DJUSIF DJUSIF Dow Jones US Full Line Insurance Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSFH DJUSFH DJUSFH Dow Jones US Furnishings Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCA DJUSCA DJUSCA Dow Jones US Gambling Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSGU DJUSGU DJUSGU Dow Jones US Gas Distribution Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSPM DJUSPM DJUSPM Dow Jones US Gold Mining Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHP DJUSHP DJUSHP Dow Jones US Health Care Providers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHV DJUSHV DJUSHV Dow Jones US Heavy Construction Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHB DJUSHB DJUSHB Dow Jones US Home Construction Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSHI DJUSHI DJUSHI Dow Jones US Home Improvement Retailers Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSHL DJUSHL DJUSHL Dow Jones US Hotel & Lodging REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSLG DJUSLG DJUSLG Dow Jones US Hotels Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSIO DJUSIO DJUSIO Dow Jones US Industrial & Office REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSFE DJUSFE DJUSFE Dow Jones US Industrial Machinery Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSDS DJUSDS DJUSDS Dow Jones US Industrial Suppliers Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSIB DJUSIB DJUSIB Dow Jones US Insurance Brokers Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSOL DJUSOL DJUSOL Dow Jones US Integrated Oil & Gas Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSNS DJUSNS DJUSNS Dow Jones US Internet Index 31/12/2001 18/02/2025
DJUSST DJUSST DJUSST Dow Jones US Iron & Steel Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSIL DJUSIL DJUSIL Dow Jones US Life Insurance Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSMT DJUSMT DJUSMT Dow Jones US Marine Transportation Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSAV DJUSAV DJUSAV Dow Jones US Media Agencies Index 29/09/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSMG DJUSMG DJUSMG Dow Jones US Mining Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSWC DJUSWC DJUSWC Dow Jones US Mobile Telecommunications Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSMF DJUSMF DJUSMF Dow Jones US Mortgage Finance Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSMR DJUSMR DJUSMR Dow Jones US Mortgage REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSMU DJUSMU DJUSMU Dow Jones US Multiutilities Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSHN DJUSHN DJUSHN Dow Jones US Nondurable Household Products Inde 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSNF DJUSNF DJUSNF Dow Jones US Nonferrous Metals Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSOI DJUSOI DJUSOI Dow Jones US Oil Equipment & Services Index 13/08/2002 18/02/2025
DJUSCM DJUSCM DJUSCM Dow Jones US Personal Products Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSPL DJUSPL DJUSPL Dow Jones US Pipelines Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSIP DJUSIP DJUSIP Dow Jones US Property & Casualty Insurance Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSPB DJUSPB DJUSPB Dow Jones US Publishing Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSRR DJUSRR DJUSRR Dow Jones US Railroads Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSEH DJUSEH DJUSEH Dow Jones US Real Estate Holding & Development Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSES DJUSES DJUSES Dow Jones US Real Estate Services Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSRP DJUSRP DJUSRP Dow Jones US Recreational Products Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSRQ DJUSRQ DJUSRQ Dow Jones US Recreational Services Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSIU DJUSIU DJUSIU Dow Jones US Reinsurance Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DWCREE DWCREE DWCREE Dow Jones US Renewable Energy Equipment Total Stock Market Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSRN DJUSRN DJUSRN Dow Jones US Residential REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSRU DJUSRU DJUSRU Dow Jones US Restaurants & Bars Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSRL DJUSRL DJUSRL Dow Jones US Retail REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSSC DJUSSC DJUSSC Dow Jones US Semiconductor Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSSD DJUSSD DJUSSD Dow Jones US Soft Drinks Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSSW DJUSSW DJUSSW Dow Jones US Software Index 23/03/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCS DJUSCS DJUSCS Dow Jones US Specialized Consumer Services Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCX DJUSCX DJUSCX Dow Jones US Specialty Chemicals Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSSP DJUSSP DJUSSP Dow Jones US Specialty Finance Index 05/01/2005 18/02/2025
DJUSSR DJUSSR DJUSSR Dow Jones US Specialty REITs Index 23/06/2008 18/02/2025
DJUSRS DJUSRS DJUSRS Dow Jones US Specialty Retailers Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSCT DJUSCT DJUSCT Dow Jones US Telecommunications Equipment Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSTB DJUSTB DJUSTB Dow Jones US Tobacco Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSTY DJUSTY DJUSTY Dow Jones US Toys Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSTT DJUSTT DJUSTT Dow Jones US Travel & Tourism Index 20/12/2004 18/02/2025
DJUSTK DJUSTK DJUSTK Dow Jones US Trucking Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
DJUSPC DJUSPC DJUSPC Dow Jones US Waste & Disposal Services Index 14/02/2000 18/02/2025
SXEDV5GR SXEDV5GR CH0292673362 EURO iSTOXX High Dividend Low Volatility 50 Gross Return EUR Index 22/03/2004 18/02/2025
SX5T SX5T EU0009658152 EURO STOXX 50 EUR Net Return Index 00/00/0000 19/02/2025
SD3E SD3E CH0020751589 Euro STOXX Select Dividend 30 Index 31/12/1998 18/02/2025
FTLC FTLC FTLC FTSE 350 Index 31/12/1985 19/02/2025
MTSIBOT5 MTSIBOT5 MTSIBOT5 FTSE MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BOT 00/00/0000 01/12/2023
MTSIA5 MTSIA5 MTSIA5 FTSE MTS Italy Government 1-3Y 27/12/2012 01/12/2023
XIN0 XIN0 XIN0 FTSE XINHUA China 25 Index 10/02/2011 19/02/2025
DE10YT DE10YT DE10YT Germany 10 Year Benchmark (Reuters) 31/01/1957 18/02/2025
QW5E QW5E DE0006301518 iBoxx Euro Corporates 3-5 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW5I QW5I DE0006301559 iBoxx Euro Corporates 7-10 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW1E QW1E DE0009681791 iBoxx Euro Eurozone 1-3 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
GSUH GSUH DE000A0C3T19 iBoxx Euro Eurozone 15+ Total Return Index 01/12/2004 18/02/2025
QW1I QW1I DE0009681833 iBoxx Euro Eurozone 3-5 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW7A QW7A DE0009682716 iBoxx Euro Overall Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW6E QW6E DE0009682856 iBoxx Euro Sovereigns 1-3 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW6M QW6M DE0009682898 iBoxx Euro Sovereigns 5-7 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
QW6Q QW6Q DE0009682914 iBoxx Euro Sovereigns 7-10 Total Return Index 05/12/2003 18/02/2025
IT10YT IT10YT IT10YT Italy 10 Year Benchmark (Reuters) 01/03/1991 18/02/2025
ITDESPREAD10Y ITDESPREAD10Y ITDESPREAD10Y Italy Germany 10 Year Spread (Reuters) 01/03/1991 18/02/2025
KOSPI200 KOSPI200 KOSPI200 Korea Stock Exchange KOSPI 200 Index 10/02/2011 19/02/2025
LMEX LMEX LMEX London Metal Exchange Index 28/07/2006 18/02/2025
MTSIT105 MTSIT105 MTSIT105 MTS Italy 10y Government Bond 22/08/2013 01/12/2023
MVREMXTR MVREMXTR DE000SLA0RF6 MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals (TR Net) Index 28/12/2007 19/02/2025
HXC HXC HXC NASDAQ Golden Dragon China Index 30/09/2002 18/02/2025
NIFTY-50 NIFTY_50 XC0006013996 Nifty 50 Index 01/01/1997 18/02/2025
NYFANG NYFANG NYFANG NYSE FANG+TM Index 19/09/2014 18/02/2025
SPEURO SPEURO SPEURO S&P EUROPE 350 10/02/2011 18/02/2025
SP5LVHD SP5LVHD SP5LVHD S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend Index 31/01/1990 18/02/2025
S5RLST S5RLST S5RLST S&P 500 Real Estate (Sector) 09/10/2001 18/02/2025
XJO XJO XJO S&P/ASX 200 29/05/1992 19/02/2025
SMIM SMIM CH0019399838 SMI Mid Price Index SIX Swiss Exchange 03/01/1996 19/02/2025
DE000SL0CG79 DE000SL0CG79 DE000SL0CG79 Solactive European Green Deal Selection Ar 5% 01/03/2019 19/02/2025
DE000SL0CG95 DE000SL0CG95 DE000SL0CG95 Solactive Greener America Ahead Selection Ar 5% 01/03/2019 19/02/2025
C1000T C1000T CH0022635194 Swiss Exchange Basic Materials Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C3000T C3000T CH0022635301 Swiss Exchange Consumer Goods Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C5000T C5000T CH0022647256 Swiss Exchange Consumer Services Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C8000T C8000T CH0022647934 Swiss Exchange Financials Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C4000T C4000T CH0022647017 Swiss Exchange Health Care Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C2000T C2000T CH0022635210 Swiss Exchange Industrials Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C9000T C9000T CH0022652785 Swiss Exchange Technology Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C6000T C6000T CH0022647405 Swiss Exchange Telecommunication Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
C7000T C7000T CH0022647835 Swiss Exchange Utlilities Industry Index 05/01/2006 30/12/2024
SWISS10YNGB SWISS10YNGB SWISS10YNGB Switzerland Govt Bonds 10 Year Note Generic Bid Yield 02/08/2010 18/02/2025
SWISS02YNGB SWISS02YNGB SWISS02YNGB Switzerland Govt Bonds 2 Year Note Generic Bid Yield 02/08/2010 18/02/2025
SWISS20YNGB SWISS20YNGB SWISS20YNGB Switzerland Govt Bonds 20 Year Note Generic Bid Yield 02/08/2010 18/02/2025
SWISS30YNGB SWISS30YNGB SWISS30YNGB Switzerland Govt Bonds 30 Year Note Generic Bid Yield 02/08/2010 18/02/2025
SWISS05YNGB SWISS05YNGB SWISS05YNGB Switzerland Govt Bonds 5 Year Note Generic Bid Yield 02/08/2010 18/02/2025
NQH2O NQH2O NQH2O The Nasdaq Veles California Water Index 00/00/0000 12/02/2025
US10YT US10YT US10YT US Generic Govt 10 Year Yield 15/04/1953 18/02/2025
US20YT US20YT US20YT US Generic Govt 20 Year Yield 21/05/2020 18/02/2025
US30YT US30YT US30YT US Generic Govt 30 Year Yield 15/02/1977 18/02/2025
US5YT US5YT US5YT US Generic Govt 5 Year Yield 02/01/1962 18/02/2025