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Simboli trovati: 191
BnB ID Simbolo / Ticker ISIN Nome Prima data Ultima data
LU2010168941 LU2010168941 LU2010168941 ACAllianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro RT (H2-CHF) 18/07/2019 14/02/2025
IT0000386562 IT0000386562 IT0000386562 ACAllianz Azioni America L 08/03/1991 11/02/2025
IT0000386588 IT0000386588 IT0000386588 ACAllianz Azioni Europa L 08/03/1991 11/02/2025
IT0004287840 IT0004287840 IT0004287840 ACAllianz Azioni Italia All Stars 11/01/2008 11/02/2025
IT0000386604 IT0000386604 IT0000386604 ACAllianz Azioni Pacifico L 08/03/1991 11/02/2025
IT0001187423 IT0001187423 IT0001187423 ACAllianz Azioni Paesi Emergenti L 13/09/1999 11/02/2025
LU0706717351 LU0706717351 LU0706717351 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro A EUR 12/05/2015 12/02/2025
LU1205638155 LU1205638155 LU1205638155 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro AT EUR 02/11/2016 14/02/2025
LU2060904724 LU2060904724 LU2060904724 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro C2 EUR 17/10/2019 14/02/2025
LU1459823677 LU1459823677 LU1459823677 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro CT EUR 05/10/2016 14/02/2025
LU0835205153 LU0835205153 LU0835205153 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro IT EUR 10/10/2012 14/02/2025
LU1706852370 LU1706852370 LU1706852370 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro P EUR 06/12/2017 12/02/2025
LU1322973121 LU1322973121 LU1322973121 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro RT EUR 18/10/2017 14/02/2025
LU1282652285 LU1282652285 LU1282652285 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro W (H2-CHF) 23/09/2015 12/02/2025
LU0706717518 LU0706717518 LU0706717518 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro W EUR 06/03/2012 12/02/2025
LU1560904093 LU1560904093 LU1560904093 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro W9 EUR 10/03/2017 12/02/2025
LU2190101332 LU2190101332 LU2190101332 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro WT (EUR) 01/07/2020 14/02/2025
LU2016772118 LU2016772118 LU2016772118 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro WT3 EUR 04/07/2019 12/02/2025
LU1260871014 LU1260871014 LU1260871014 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Global Aggregate A EUR 24/08/2015 14/02/2025
LU1055786526 LU1055786526 LU1055786526 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Asian Small Cap Equity AT15 USD 13/05/2014 12/02/2025
LU1997244790 LU1997244790 LU1997244790 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz China A Shares A H2 EUR 23/10/2019 14/02/2025
LU1997245177 LU1997245177 LU1997245177 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz China A Shares AT USD 31/03/2009 14/02/2025
LU2211814095 LU2211814095 LU2211814095 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Clean Planet AT (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211814178 LU2211814178 LU2211814178 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Clean Planet AT (USD) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2286300988 LU2286300988 LU2286300988 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Cyber Security AT EUR Acc 09/02/2021 14/02/2025
LU2286300806 LU2286300806 LU2286300806 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Cyber Security AT USD Acc 09/02/2021 14/02/2025
LU2289118288 LU2289118288 LU2289118288 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Cyber Security IT USD Acc 09/02/2021 14/02/2025
LU1089088071 LU1089088071 LU1089088071 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15 A EUR 04/12/2014 12/02/2025
LU1377963175 LU1377963175 LU1377963175 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15 AQ EUR 29/03/2016 12/02/2025
LU1548496022 LU1548496022 LU1548496022 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15 AT EUR 30/01/2017 12/02/2025
LU1304665919 LU1304665919 LU1304665919 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15 CT EUR 16/11/2015 12/02/2025
LU1602092162 LU1602092162 LU1602092162 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15 IT EUR 24/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1149865930 LU1149865930 LU1149865930 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI A EUR 13/01/2015 12/02/2025
LU1145633407 LU1145633407 LU1145633407 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI AT EUR 02/02/2015 12/02/2025
LU1328248510 LU1328248510 LU1328248510 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI CT EUR 26/10/2016 12/02/2025
LU1145632938 LU1145632938 LU1145632938 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI I EUR 13/01/2015 12/02/2025
LU1145633233 LU1145633233 LU1145633233 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI IT EUR 09/08/2016 12/02/2025
LU2002383623 LU2002383623 LU2002383623 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI IT PT2 EUR 12/06/2019 12/02/2025
LU1706852453 LU1706852453 LU1706852453 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI P EUR 06/12/2017 12/02/2025
LU1331159357 LU1331159357 LU1331159357 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI PT EUR 26/10/2016 12/02/2025
LU1149865690 LU1149865690 LU1149865690 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI R EUR 13/01/2015 12/02/2025
LU1851368099 LU1851368099 LU1851368099 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI R2 EUR 24/07/2018 12/02/2025
LU1173936078 LU1173936078 LU1173936078 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI RT EUR 24/04/2015 12/02/2025
LU2014481076 LU2014481076 LU2014481076 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI RT H2 CHF 18/07/2019 12/02/2025
LU2201879264 LU2201879264 LU2201879264 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI W (H2-JPY) 21/08/2020 12/02/2025
LU1136108591 LU1136108591 LU1136108591 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI W EUR 13/01/2015 12/02/2025
LU1136108757 LU1136108757 LU1136108757 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI WT EUR 22/06/2018 12/02/2025
LU2179888883 LU2179888883 LU2179888883 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Euro Credit SRI WT4 (EUR) 04/06/2020 12/02/2025
LU1089088741 LU1089088741 LU1089088741 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus AT EUR 11/08/2016 14/02/2025
LU1383852487 LU1383852487 LU1383852487 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus AT2 EUR 02/09/2016 14/02/2025
LU1089089392 LU1089089392 LU1089089392 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus IT EUR 08/12/2016 14/02/2025
LU1573296008 LU1573296008 LU1573296008 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus VarioZins A (H2-USD) 17/03/2017 12/02/2025
LU1100107371 LU1100107371 LU1100107371 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Floating Rate Notes Plus VarioZins A EUR 23/09/2014 14/02/2025
LU2211817197 LU2211817197 LU2211817197 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security A (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211817601 LU2211817601 LU2211817601 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security AT (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211817866 LU2211817866 LU2211817866 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security AT (USD) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2215374088 LU2215374088 LU2215374088 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security CT (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211817940 LU2211817940 LU2211817940 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security IT (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211818674 LU2211818674 LU2211818674 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security RT (USD) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU2211818757 LU2211818757 LU2211818757 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Food Security WT (EUR) 06/10/2020 14/02/2025
LU1548497186 LU1548497186 LU1548497186 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence A EUR 31/08/2017 14/02/2025
LU1851367877 LU1851367877 LU1851367877 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT (H2-CNY) 17/07/2018 12/02/2025
LU1641601064 LU1641601064 LU1641601064 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT (H2-CZK) 20/07/2017 12/02/2025
LU1548497772 LU1548497772 LU1548497772 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT (H2-EUR) 31/03/2017 12/02/2025
LU1883297563 LU1883297563 LU1883297563 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT (H2-JPY) 11/10/2018 12/02/2025
LU1548497699 LU1548497699 LU1548497699 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT EUR 02/05/2017 12/02/2025
LU1720051017 LU1720051017 LU1720051017 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT H2 SGD 08/12/2017 12/02/2025
LU1720051108 LU1720051108 LU1720051108 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT HKD 08/12/2017 12/02/2025
LU1548497426 LU1548497426 LU1548497426 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT USD 31/03/2017 12/02/2025
LU2282081756 LU2282081756 LU2282081756 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence BT (USD) 16/02/2021 14/02/2025
LU1602091867 LU1602091867 LU1602091867 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence CT EUR 22/05/2017 12/02/2025
LU1953145197 LU1953145197 LU1953145197 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence CT USD 15/03/2019 14/02/2025
LU2357305700 LU2357305700 LU2357305700 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence ET (H2-SGD) 12/07/2021 14/02/2025
LU1548496451 LU1548496451 LU1548496451 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence I EUR 31/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU1548496964 LU1548496964 LU1548496964 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence IT (H2-EUR) 02/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1548496709 LU1548496709 LU1548496709 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence IT EUR 02/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1548496618 LU1548496618 LU1548496618 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence IT USD 27/06/2018 14/02/2025
LU1970681679 LU1970681679 LU1970681679 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence P EUR 17/04/2019 14/02/2025
LU1597246542 LU1597246542 LU1597246542 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence PT (H2-CHF) 26/04/2017 14/02/2025
LU1548499042 LU1548499042 LU1548499042 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence PT2 (EUR) 01/12/2020 14/02/2025
LU1677195205 LU1677195205 LU1677195205 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence R EUR 10/10/2017 14/02/2025
LU1597246039 LU1597246039 LU1597246039 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence RT EUR 26/04/2017 14/02/2025
LU1677195031 LU1677195031 LU1677195031 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence RT H2-EUR 10/10/2017 14/02/2025
LU1698898050 LU1698898050 LU1698898050 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence RT USD 15/11/2017 14/02/2025
LU2043819098 LU2043819098 LU2043819098 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence W (H2-EUR) 29/08/2019 14/02/2025
LU1548499471 LU1548499471 LU1548499471 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence W EUR 31/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU2231172441 LU2231172441 LU2231172441 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence W2 (USD) 24/09/2020 14/02/2025
LU2332228282 LU2332228282 LU2332228282 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence WT (USD) 26/04/2021 14/02/2025
LU1548499711 LU1548499711 LU1548499711 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence WT EUR 30/10/2018 14/02/2025
LU1548499802 LU1548499802 LU1548499802 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence WT H2-EUR 13/09/2017 14/02/2025
LU2092387641 LU2092387641 LU2092387641 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence WT4 (EUR) 20/12/2019 14/02/2025
LU1508476725 LU1508476725 LU1508476725 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Equity Insights A EUR 15/02/2017 14/02/2025
LU1563397410 LU1563397410 LU1563397410 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Equity Insights AT EUR 07/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU1508476998 LU1508476998 LU1508476998 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Equity Insights CT EUR 28/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU1563397766 LU1563397766 LU1563397766 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Equity Insights IT EUR 07/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU0158827518 LU0158827518 LU0158827518 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Sustainability AT EUR 30/07/2020 14/02/2025
LU0158827781 LU0158827781 LU0158827781 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Sustainability AT USD 29/04/2020 14/02/2025
LU1728567212 LU1728567212 LU1728567212 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Sustainability IT EUR 08/03/2018 14/02/2025
LU1766616152 LU1766616152 LU1766616152 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Global Sustainability WT EUR 15/02/2018 14/02/2025
LU0766462104 LU0766462104 LU0766462104 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth A (H2-EUR) 17/07/2012 12/02/2025
LU0964807845 LU0964807845 LU0964807845 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth A USD 01/10/2013 12/02/2025
LU0820562030 LU0820562030 LU0820562030 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AM (H2-AUD) 15/10/2012 12/02/2025
LU0820562113 LU0820562113 LU0820562113 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AM (H2-CAD) 02/05/2013 12/02/2025
LU0913601281 LU0913601281 LU0913601281 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AM (H2-EUR) 02/05/2013 12/02/2025
LU0994605391 LU0994605391 LU0994605391 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AM (H2-NZD) 02/12/2013 12/02/2025
LU0820561818 LU0820561818 LU0820561818 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AM USD 16/10/2012 12/02/2025
LU1145024482 LU1145024482 LU1145024482 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AQ (H2-EUR) 09/01/2017 12/02/2025
LU1145028129 LU1145028129 LU1145028129 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AQ USD 09/01/2017 12/02/2025
LU1070113664 LU1070113664 LU1070113664 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AT (H2-EUR) 12/08/2014 12/02/2025
LU0689472784 LU0689472784 LU0689472784 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth AT USD 18/11/2011 12/02/2025
LU1129901515 LU1129901515 LU1129901515 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth CM USD 17/11/2014 12/02/2025
LU0739342060 LU0739342060 LU0739342060 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth CT (H2-EUR) 22/02/2012 12/02/2025
LU1627332817 LU1627332817 LU1627332817 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth CT USD 20/06/2017 12/02/2025
LU0685229519 LU0685229519 LU0685229519 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth IT (H2-EUR) 07/11/2011 12/02/2025
LU0685222696 LU0685222696 LU0685222696 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth IT USD 27/08/2013 12/02/2025
LU1050568937 LU1050568937 LU1050568937 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth P (H2-EUR) 10/04/2014 12/02/2025
LU1015032169 LU1015032169 LU1015032169 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth P EUR 04/02/2014 12/02/2025
LU1046250293 LU1046250293 LU1046250293 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth P USD 01/04/2014 12/02/2025
LU1056556225 LU1056556225 LU1056556225 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth PM USD 05/05/2014 12/02/2025
LU1255915826 LU1255915826 LU1255915826 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth RM USD 01/10/2015 14/02/2025
LU1255915586 LU1255915586 LU1255915586 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and Growth RT USD 01/10/2015 14/02/2025
LU1143164405 LU1143164405 LU1143164405 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity AT (H-EUR) 24/08/2015 12/02/2025
LU1000922390 LU1000922390 LU1000922390 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity AT (H-USD) 15/03/2016 12/02/2025
LU0348752352 LU0348752352 LU0348752352 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity AT EUR 24/08/2015 12/02/2025
LU0348753244 LU0348753244 LU0348753244 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity CT (H-EUR) 05/02/2015 12/02/2025
LU1106426361 LU1106426361 LU1106426361 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity IT (H-EUR) 18/09/2014 12/02/2025
LU1078006381 LU1078006381 LU1078006381 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity WT EUR 12/08/2014 12/02/2025
LU2098361814 LU2098361814 LU2098361814 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Japan Equity WT JPY 22/01/2020 12/02/2025
LU1481687926 LU1481687926 LU1481687926 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short AT H2-EUR 15/11/2016 14/02/2025
LU1481688817 LU1481688817 LU1481688817 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short I3 H2-EUR 15/11/2016 14/02/2025
LU1837282968 LU1837282968 LU1837282968 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short IT14 H2-JPY 29/06/2018 14/02/2025
LU1481688148 LU1481688148 LU1481688148 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short P14 H2-EUR 12/04/2018 14/02/2025
LU1584111725 LU1584111725 LU1584111725 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short W9 H2-EUR 06/04/2017 12/02/2025
LU1677197599 LU1677197599 LU1677197599 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Multi Asset Long / Short WT H2-EUR 05/10/2017 12/02/2025
LU2072100485 LU2072100485 LU2072100485 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Strategic Bond A H2 EUR 20/11/2019 12/02/2025
LU2066004206 LU2066004206 LU2066004206 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Strategic Bond AT H2 EUR 20/11/2019 12/02/2025
LU2146180109 LU2146180109 LU2146180109 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Strategic Bond AT USD 20/04/2020 14/02/2025
LU2066004545 LU2066004545 LU2066004545 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Strategic Bond IT H2 EUR 20/11/2019 12/02/2025
LU1479563717 LU1479563717 LU1479563717 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Thematica A EUR 08/12/2016 14/02/2025
LU1981791327 LU1981791327 LU1981791327 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Thematica AT EUR 02/05/2019 14/02/2025
LU1917777945 LU1917777945 LU1917777945 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Thematica AT USD 25/01/2019 14/02/2025
LU2009011938 LU2009011938 LU2009011938 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Thematica IT EUR 28/06/2019 14/02/2025
LU0178431259 LU0178431259 LU0178431259 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Treasury Short Term Plus Euro A EUR 26/05/2011 14/02/2025
LU0178432067 LU0178432067 LU0178432067 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Treasury Short Term Plus Euro I EUR 12/11/2003 12/02/2025
LU1602092246 LU1602092246 LU1602092246 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Treasury Short Term Plus Euro IT EUR 30/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1282651808 LU1282651808 LU1282651808 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond A (H2-EUR) 01/04/2016 14/02/2025
LU1508476642 LU1508476642 LU1508476642 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond A USD 08/11/2016 14/02/2025
LU1516272264 LU1516272264 LU1516272264 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM (H2-AUD) 01/12/2016 14/02/2025
LU1328247892 LU1328247892 LU1328247892 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM (H2-EUR) 07/03/2016 14/02/2025
LU1516272181 LU1516272181 LU1516272181 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM (H2-GBP) 01/12/2016 14/02/2025
LU1597245817 LU1597245817 LU1597245817 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM (H2-RMB) 02/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1451583386 LU1451583386 LU1451583386 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM (H2-SGD) 16/08/2016 14/02/2025
LU1449865044 LU1449865044 LU1449865044 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM HKD 16/08/2016 14/02/2025
LU1560903285 LU1560903285 LU1560903285 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM SGD 15/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU1322973634 LU1322973634 LU1322973634 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AM USD 10/12/2015 14/02/2025
LU2060905374 LU2060905374 LU2060905374 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AMg (H2-AUD) 15/11/2019 14/02/2025
LU2079109455 LU2079109455 LU2079109455 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AMg (H2-ZAR) 02/12/2019 14/02/2025
LU2111465915 LU2111465915 LU2111465915 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AMg USD 18/02/2020 14/02/2025
LU1363153823 LU1363153823 LU1363153823 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AT (H2-EUR) 08/03/2016 14/02/2025
LU1363153740 LU1363153740 LU1363153740 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond AT USD 08/03/2016 14/02/2025
LU1459823750 LU1459823750 LU1459823750 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond CT (H2-EUR) 18/08/2016 14/02/2025
LU1958618891 LU1958618891 LU1958618891 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond CT USD 15/03/2019 14/02/2025
LU1720048146 LU1720048146 LU1720048146 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond IM USD 18/12/2017 14/02/2025
LU1574760846 LU1574760846 LU1574760846 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond IT (H2-EUR) 20/03/2017 14/02/2025
LU1282651634 LU1282651634 LU1282651634 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond IT USD 08/03/2016 14/02/2025
LU1282651717 LU1282651717 LU1282651717 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond P (H2-EUR) 05/04/2017 14/02/2025
LU1322973550 LU1322973550 LU1322973550 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond P USD 10/12/2015 14/02/2025
LU1304665596 LU1304665596 LU1304665596 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond P2 (H2-EUR) 02/11/2015 14/02/2025
LU1349983426 LU1349983426 LU1349983426 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond PM USD 19/02/2016 14/02/2025
LU1597343661 LU1597343661 LU1597343661 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond PT (H2-CHF) 15/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1389837904 LU1389837904 LU1389837904 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond PT USD 26/06/2017 14/02/2025
LU1377965386 LU1377965386 LU1377965386 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond R (H2-EUR) 11/04/2016 14/02/2025
LU1685826841 LU1685826841 LU1685826841 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond R USD 10/10/2017 14/02/2025
LU2023251148 LU2023251148 LU2023251148 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond RT (H2-CHF) 18/07/2019 14/02/2025
LU1377965469 LU1377965469 LU1377965469 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond RT (H2-EUR) 11/04/2016 14/02/2025
LU1282652012 LU1282652012 LU1282652012 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond W USD 22/09/2015 14/02/2025
LU1602090547 LU1602090547 LU1602090547 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond WT (H2-EUR) 11/05/2017 14/02/2025
LU1442232507 LU1442232507 LU1442232507 ACAllianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz US Short Duration High Income Bond WT USD 26/07/2016 14/02/2025
LU0158827195 LU0158827195 LU0158827195 ACAllianz Global Sustainability A EUR 02/01/2003 12/02/2025
LU0158827948 LU0158827948 LU0158827948 ACAllianz Global Sustainability A USD 02/01/2003 12/02/2025
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LU0348751388 LU0348751388 LU0348751388 ACAllianz Japan Equity A USD 03/10/2008 12/02/2025
LU0348755371 LU0348755371 LU0348755371 ACAllianz Japan Equity IT USD 03/10/2008 12/02/2025
IT0003624472 IT0003624472 IT0003624472 ACAllianz Liquidità A 26/04/2004 11/02/2025
IT0003624498 IT0003624498 IT0003624498 ACAllianz Liquidità B 26/04/2004 11/02/2025
IT0000382983 IT0000382983 IT0000382983 ACAllianz Monetario 08/07/1988 11/02/2025
IT0003081509 IT0003081509 IT0003081509 ACAllianz MultiPartner - Multi20 02/05/2001 11/02/2025
IT0003081525 IT0003081525 IT0003081525 ACAllianz MultiPartner - Multi50 02/05/2001 11/02/2025
IT0003081574 IT0003081574 IT0003081574 ACAllianz MultiPartner - Multi90 02/05/2001 11/02/2025
IT0000380045 IT0000380045 IT0000380045 ACAllianz Reddito Euro L 26/06/1984 11/02/2025
IT0000384062 IT0000384062 IT0000384062 ACAllianz Reddito Globale L 08/07/1988 11/02/2025